Saturday, 25 February 2017

Universal Jobmatch jobseekers account sign ups - DWP monitors

Universal Jobmatch launched for Jobcentre jobseekers on 19 November 2012. This is DWP’s free online job posting and matching service. Universal Jobmatch replaced the vacancy management services, Employer Direct and Employer Direct Online for companies, and it replaced the Jobcentre Plus jobs and skills search facility for jobseekers.

DWP Universal Jobmatch team will be able to monitor the use of Universal Jobmatch by jobseekers, if someone allows DWP to have access to their Universal Jobmatch account. 

The Department for Work and Pensions can require you to register for Universal Jobmatch. When jobseekers sign up to Universal Jobmatch, they will be encouraged to tick a box that gives DWP access to their account. DWP want access so they can monitor whether someone is using Universal Jobmatch to look for work and how long they spend doing so. 

Universal Credit (UC) 2017 has been introduced as part of the changes to the welfare system. UC will replace six other Benefits (Job Seekers Allowance JSA, Housing Benefit (HB), Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and Income Support). 

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